Author Dana Littlejohn

Monday, July 11, 2016

Hi everyone!
Welcome back to my followers and to my new followers.
As posted in my previous heads up post, I have restructured and revamped my blog to make it better and more educational for my readers and fellow authors.

As the title implies, today is dedicated to my updates: where I'll be virtually and in real time, what's new with me, my new releases, what I'm working on and so forth.

My monthly newsletter is live and doing well. If you're not getting it you might want to. Everyone who gets the newsletter is automatically entered in the drawing to win an original item from my craft shop. (There's a craft shop tab on the website) The newsletter is also your vehicle to ask me questions. When you send in your questions you are entered again into the monthly drawing. The answer to those questions will be posted here as well. What is exclusive to the newsletter is the free reads. There are free reads on my website for your enjoyment but I offer different ones for the newsletter as well.

Currently I am editing The Right Choice. It is book II of the Happily Ever After: By Any Means Necessary series.
This series is basically about the lives of established couples and how they deal with issues in their relationship.

Book I: Seven Year Switch was about Kyle and Sonja Winters, a mid thirties, childless couple, together 10 years, married 7 and happy. Sonja discovers a secret that rocks their marriage to the core. It will either destroy them or they will have to restructure to survive it.
Available now

Book II: The Right Choice, is about Christian and Andrea Cooper. They have a long term marriage, 20+ years, are in their 40s and are new empty nesters. Basically this book shows how you could get caught up in doing the right thing and push someone away unintentionally. Even after being together for years you can still make mistakes.
It will be available late August, 2016.

Book III: Seducing Mr Jefferson is about Daniel and Kamiah Jefferson. They are in their mid twenties and have been married 5 years. Daniel spends many hours working and his free time is split between sleep and his friends. Kamiah feels their young marriage has become settled and has lost the fire it had in the beginning. Instead of taking it personal she decides to do something about it.
This book is only 3/4 completed. I will have it done and edited for a October release.

Next up is my Greek mythology based urban novel, Aphrodite's Day Off. Aphrodite wants to hang out with Poseidon in the ocean. Zeus denies her request because the last time she took time off his precious humans went through what their history now refers to as "the dark ages". So Aphrodite offers her sons Eros and Himeros to take her place. Zeus gives the young gods a task to see if they can handle the goddess of love's job. This book takes you along for the ride.
It is completed, but needs editing and a cover. Im hoping for a holiday release, but we'll see. I will keep you posted on that one.

Also on my to do list:

An urban fantasy vampire novel (non gory), The Dioni Clan. After a long time of hiding Lord Nickolas, leader of the Dioni clan, allows his most gifted warriors to choose a wife. In this novel we follow Mikhail, Jonathan and Santos in their search.
This book is about halfway completed.

Check back every day for learning, promotion and fun things things going on, contests held for prizes every Friday and updates about me every Monday!

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